The Marrying Kind
We first meet Carl Scallywag when he brings his high school prom date, Dolly Slattern, to his parent’s home at the request of Carl’s mother, Betty. Dolly draws the attention of Carl’s father, Albert, who displays his depraved fixation for much younger women. Later in the story, after leaving his wife, Albert will impregnate Dolly and promise to marry her.
At Gabriela Noteworthy's high school graduation party, her father, Henry, discovers his wife Helen in a compromising situation with his best friend, Franklin Willams. This leads to the dissolution of the Noteworthy marriage.
Carl and Gabriela meet during their freshman year at college. In their senior year, they become engaged.
A Thanksgiving family gathering leads to the enlistment of Betty Scallywag and Henry Noteworthy to help plan the wedding, even though each reveals their apprehension about seeing the ex-partners. During this gathering, Nanna Frances Scallywag and Grandpa Matt Noteworthy become better acquainted, while teens Edward Scallywag and Lauren Noteworthy strike up a close relationship.
The wedding goes off without a hitch, but the festive reception produces some unexpected results. Edward and Lauren dance their hearts out, rubbing bodies together as much as possible. Frances and Matt steal the show with their exquisite ballroom dancing display. And parents Betty and Henry refuse to dance with their ex-spouses when requested by the bandleader.
The next day, after the newlyweds leave on the honeymoon, Grandpa Matt leaves for the Noteworthy shore house, taking Frances with him. Within a week Matt calls his son and requests that the Noteworthys and the Scallywags join the seniors.
Soon after all arrive at the shore, Matt reveals that he and Frances had gotten married. After a week of fun and games at the shore, Henry and Betty announce their intentions to tie the knot. Even the teens, Lauren and Edward, appear to succumb to the magic in the salt air and announce their love for each other and their future plans to marry.